Mary S. Hammons has been a teacher in the Knox County school system for 34 years.
She taught for 16 years at Flat Lick Elementary in grades 4th-8th, and in the after school Gifted and Talented Program.
For 13 years, Mary traveled to all Knox Co. Schools (1st-12th grades), teaching The Knox County Gifted and Talented Program.
She still volunteers her time to the youth of her community through the following activities:
- officiating Governor's Cup on all levels
- coaching and judging in Future Problem Solving
- Quick Recall Teams reading and judging
- plus various other after school / weekend activities and programs.
- Corrections Training Hours: 400+ hours
- Manages Knox County Detention Center (KCDC) - Jan 2011 – Present
- Sets policies & procedures to better serve the public and inmates while decreasing expenses to Knox Fiscal Court and the general public.
- Hammons offered the first GED class held in Knox County Detention Center, and the program continues to date.
- Other programs include: Moral Recognition Therapy, Anger Management, Mens Parenting, Womens Parenting, Arts Behind Bars.
- Hammons initiated 18 months of steady conversations with DOC to secure the current State approved Work Release Program that she maintains and manages to date.
- Hammons, with the support of Knox Count Fiscal Court, secured funds to build the new Knox County Detention Center.
- Hammons worked with the construction company and architect to design the layout and monitor the building progress of the new KCDC.
- Hammons and the KC Fiscal Court broke ground on the new KCDC in 2017.
- Hammons opened the new KCDC in December 2019 with an open house and dedication ceremony.
- Hammons' leadership moved Knox County forward from the Knox County Life Safety Center that used to pay out on average at least $70,000 (low-end estimate) monthly for housing, not including transporting, inmates to and from other counties. In spite all of these efforts the KCDC suffered mass overcrowding. In 2019 the total cost for housing in other facilities alone was $833,000.00.
- Hammons' leadership guides the new Knox County Detention Center which currently generates $150,000.00 plus monthly. This is accomplished by housing state inmates and inmates from other counties. The final number for 2020 should be very around $1,500,000.00 resulting in a $2.3 million dollar net positive for the county. This does not include all expenses to operate the facility.
Mary is the daughter of James S. and Joyce Lefevers Stewart of Flat Lick, Kentucky. Mary has two brothers Jim Stewart III and David Ray Stewart.
Mary was married to Larry D. Hammons for 35 years. Larry served as the Jailer in Knox County. They have two daughters, Jennifer Hammons Carey and Jamirae Hammons Holbrook.
Jennifer is married to Brian D. Carey, and they have two children. Jennifer has been a teacher at Girdler Elementary and is now the Gifted and Talented Coordinator for Knox County. Brian is the Assistant Principal of the Barbourville City School Systems.
Mary's youngest daughter, Jamirae, is married to Marshall E. Holbrook, and they have two children. Jamirae worked at Union College for eight years before taking a position in administration at University of the Cumberlands, where she has served for seven years.
Union College
- Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Elementary Education, 1977 Cum Laude Graduate.
- Union College: Master of Arts Degree, Elementary Education (1-8) 1980.
- Union College: Endorsement Resource-Teacher of Gifted Edu. 1985
- Union College: Rank I 1986
Knox County Schools
- Substitute Teacher 1975-1977
- Dewitt Elementary Teacher Spring 1977
- Flat Lick Elementary 1977-1993
- Gifted and Talented (After School) 1985-1991
- Gifted and Talented Fulltime 1993-2008
- Summer School Teacher Grades 4th-6th, 7 Summers.
- Kentucky Jailer's Association
- Governor’s Cup Official - All Levels 20 years.
- Coach for Future Problem Solving Team High School.
- Coach for Quick Recall Team.
- Kentucky State Odyssey of the Mind Board 7 years.
- Odyssey of the Mind Coach.
- KY. Educational Professional Standards Board 4 years.
- KEA Member
- NEA Member
- Turkey Creek Baptist Church
- Member for the last 45 years
- Taught Sunday School
- Children & Adult choir director
- AWANA Instructor / Assistant
- Vacation Bible School Teacher.